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How could our methodology work?

  • Like-minded people and organizations use our platform to work together in synergy and solve problems and make progress faster and more effectively. Imagine if an NGO that provides clean water supply also works together with a person who creates solar energy grids to provide both water and energy to regions that lack them. Or if a free temporary housing company works with another one in a different place to accommodate people they can't anymore. Just a few examples. The possibilities created from collaboration are endless.


  • A regular person who has just started taking an interest in changing the world (maybe from experiencing or witnessing something) but doesn't know what to do searches on Google or whatever search engine and finds us, now he/she has all the resources needed: what is happening where, who is already working on this and that, someone needs this and that and he could contribute to it. No need to keep searching dozens of other sites to get what he needs.


  • Someone who still doesn't know what to do or wants to go even further can also use our platform to learn from other people about everything he/she's interested in regarding change. They can be guided personally by a mentor or coach through a personal journey of inner change, changing their perspective about the world, and enabling them to find their own potential.


  • Someone randomly stumbles upon us on social media or an ad and starts to explore our platform curiously. Now this person is also aware of what is happening all around the world and could be inspired.

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