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What are we? Who are we?

We are a collective group of individuals sharing the same enthusiasm about changing the world and turning it into a better place with our own collaborative strategies.


We firmly believe in change starting from within, that inner change is the seed for global change. This is because a person's perspective changes their actions and their actions can change the world they move in.


We believe in the ultimate subjectivity of truth, that this vulnerability we have against our chaotic existence also gives us the power to do anything and reach new possibilities.


There is no impossibility. If we humans have already changed our world to this extent, it's not impossible for us to reshape it again. We only need a way how, and we are here to help people find their way.

Our methodology and principles...

In today’s  world there are crises on many levels from individual, to societal and planetary. We are faced with many challenges: poverty, war, health, climate change and much more. In We Change the World (WCW) we believe that the only way we can tackle the global challenges of the 21st century, is by acting together. We also recognize that any external change requires first an inner change,  a reevaluation of our perspectives, our values, and our behaviors.


Therefore, WCW’s goal is to awaken and create consciousness, connect and empower those who wish to have a transformative impact as change agents by providing resources, social networking and mentoring services.



We envision a world where everyone has an opportunity to be informed and empowered to address societal and global issues.

We welcome everyone to share our vision of a better world: more fair, sustainable and harmoniously interdependent, through a holistic transformative approach (inclusion and complementation).


Vows (Mission)

WCW’s aim is to provide a comprehensive, online, open source, noncommercial platform with three main components IOU, CAN, ACT:

  • Information and Opportunities Universe (IOU): a knowledge portal with information about issues from every corner of the world; promote awareness.

  • Change Agents Network (CAN): a network of those interested in exchanging ideas and collaborating; promote connection

  • Academy and Coaching for Transformation (ACT): education and mentoring to help participants move from disempowerment to dynamic impact; promote effective action.



The values or core principles around which WCW operates include:

  • Open source

  • Non commercial, not for profit

  • The platform is not owned by one person or group that dictates and shapes it.

  • The platform can grow organically in directions it wishes to grow.

  • Everybody can move in and out of different roles eg. developer, contributor, consumer.

  • Everyone collaborates to  enrich the whole platform.

  • The tools are meant to support participants and unleash their potential.

  • The hope is that participants learn to develop completely as agents of change.

Yannick's background...

My name is Yannick Jolliet.

I live in Switzerland, and 6 years ago at 37, I retired  from the corporate world to focus entirely on Social Entrepreneurship, Spirituality and book writing.


I am a fellow member of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), and certified in the fields of Philanthropy & Social Entrepreneurship from different universities (Oxford, Stanford, MIT, Philanthropy University).


After a rich business career -specialised in Information & Knowledge Management- and multiple entrepreneurial ventures run in parallel, I decided to quit the corporate world to focus entirely on Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy.


At first I got intensively involved (50%) with 2 NGOs these last 6 years, mostly in the field of help & education for Nepalese & Indian children (see ➢, and to co-organize spiritual travels & pilgrimages for a German NGO (see ➢ 

Then I started 3 years ago to also help directly people (coaching & philanthropy for an orphanage in India, offering education grants to students, etc)


This gave me a broad experience of the Social Business, completed by numerous field trips & long stays in Asia. I experienced also the classical opportunities & constraints of NGOs, making such a terrain experience invaluable.


Finally, I am deeply touched by new educational approaches, as well as by the transition to post-petrol & to post-ownership economy. 






I believe I might be a RIGHT PERSON at the RIGHT TIME, with right skills, experience & personal context to achieve the vision of, due to the following factors:





My life is now entirely DEDICATED to help transforming the world we live in, enriching society and shaping the future through ideas and action, encouraging the development of a principled, prosperous society and the release of human potential, in respect with our ecosystems. 


I am an ENTREPRENEUR AT HEART: conceiving ideas and building products & networks is what excites me the most. What truly motivates me is helping solving global problems & making world a better place.





- I have no constraints & person in charge

- I am very tolerant & resilient regarding time or money loss

- I am not focused on Ego & notoriety, but on a “Path of Service

- Inclusivity, Collaboration & Responsibility are incarnated values





My skills come from my rich experience in BUSINESS (in large multinational & multicultural corporations) as a serial ENTREPRENEUR


Practical Visionary: both goal-setting visionary and problem solvers capable of engineering visions into reality

• Strong experience of Business Management & Leadership

Entrepreneurial quality, both imagining & implementing

• Absolute Ethical Fiber, deeply rooted in alive spiritual & human values

• Very strong Innovation & Creative thinking skills, relying on enhanced capabilities to solve problems (received, when 14 years old, the 1rst Price for Innovation from the “national innovation challenge” by the UBS Bank)

• Expertise in the field of Information & Knowledge Management, and virtual teams collaboration



You will find all links to my different web sites & relevant information on my official Portal:


My extensive LinkedIn profile will give you a detailed idea of my background.

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